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monday evening ughpdate.

18 April 2011

it’s monday morning usually, but i was busy working this morning.  i was in the mood to WORK this morning, which is unusual.  usually i arrive to monday mornings a bit sluggish and reluctant, but this morning i was all business.  anyone else?  just me?

what’s going on this week:

1. tuesday night girls group. 

we started all getting together, this small group of girls who knew some people well and others not at all.  we got together because we loved god, loved life, loved friendship, but didn’t love any of the contrivance that occurs when any of those things are forced.  we tenuously committed to coming, wondering when it would all fall apart due to busyness and families and the ebb and flow of life.

that was over three years ago.

this group is one of my most valued possessions.  i’d definitely grab this as i ran out of a burning building.

2. candy cane.

i trade in the trusty but annoying crutches which have been my constant companion these last two weeks for…a cane.  and then we’ll celebrate my 87th birthday.   our second family, the billigs, are coming down to spend some time in town and mr. billig will be lending me a cane to aid my hobbling around.  maybe mine will be made of peppermint!

3. grant-writing.

i’ve been getting into grant-writing as of late, and although it makes my head spin and make me feel not unlike a blindfolded dart player, i really like it.  if the next few months goes well with this organization i’m working with, i may have a regular thing with it to complement my copywriting i’m doing as part of our company, fixer design.

working with my husband is a blessing, and i tell myself that EVERY.DAY. 😉

4. zeitoun.

since i couldn’t seem to procure a local book club, my oldest friend (in terms of time, not age) erin decided to start up an online one.  so far we’ve read two books together, but this last one i couldn’t read because somebody at the library didn’t turn their book in on time.  we’re on a book-buying hiatus right now (the worst first-world problem EVER 😉 and so i am at the mercy of the library patrons.

serves me right, however.  i have seriously bad library karma and you would blush if i told you the amount of library fines i’ve accrued over the years.

i’m going to see if i can somehow speed-read it in the next few days and catch up with my book group before the next one.

5. confessions.

some very good friends and i used to have a private message board with each other on which we posted (among other things) these terrible confessions, embarrassing and deeply lame things we did/do.  it was hilarious and cathartic, and talking about my library fines over the years reminded me of that.

of course, most of the time these were things you don’t want shared at dinner parties but don’t mind saying out loud.

the real confessions hardly ever happen like that.

6. racquetball.

not me, of course.  an entirely enclosed room with people with racquets who swing hard at a little rubber ball that ping pongs off the echo chamber and hurtles towards my head is definitely the sport played in my 7th circle of hell.  my brother, though, loves is.  well, he loves any sport he can be competitive at, and a few non-sports too.  he and the boy will be playing racquetball tomorrow at 6:30 in the a.m.  the boy is deceptively sporty and my brother is competitive, so this should be an interesting morning.

7.  faux-range julius.

i’m combining clementines, coconut milk and a little vanilla in the blender tomorrow in an attempt to make my version of an orange julius.  i’ll let you know how it turns out.

8. easter.

totally snuck up on me this year.  it’s sunday?  whoa.  WHOA.

*       *       *       *       *

happy almost easter, friends!  i have to go eat dinner now.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 18 April 2011 9:21 pm

    Venomous letters to people I have no need for….

    I read the forum in the past year, and sobbed, bad. Shut ‘er down, that’s what I think. Too sad, that other life.

    In between sobs, I did laugh my ass off though. We are the funniest people I know.

    • 18 April 2011 10:40 pm

      it’s true. burn it down; i like what we’ve rebuilt from the ashes of a former life 🙂

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